Chapter 1: The Cry

Yuki's first cry shook my entire world.
I had been thinking about starting my own company for the past 3 years but never had the courage to do it. The steady flow of corporate America kept me professionally busy but not personally fulfilled. The birth of my daughter lit that kindling of ambition - it was now or never.
There were many different ideas: some good but most of them bad. I needed to be authentic, if I was going to sing one song it better be my own. After a few weeks of thinking through my passion and skills, I choose to combine my personal health journey, my professional business skills, love for food, and passion for improving the lives of children into a food brand focused on providing love, protection, and ascension for families.
Now that I had purpose, it was time to turn that purpose into progress!
Manav Fernandez —
Incredibly inspiring story – well done sir!!
Marshall —
I love all your cereal I am Glade someone is thinking healthy with all this good crap.thank you.
Cait Glackin —
Just received your cereal today. My kids LOVED them. My son just beat cancer for the second time so I am always looking for ways to clean up his diet without sacrificing taste but we had NO idea that 20% went to fight pediatric cancer until I clicked buy now! You are amazing. Thank YOU! Makes the cereal taste even sweeter. My 9 year old 2x cancer survivor says thank you!! 🎗🫶💛
Darcy Bruckner —
Thanks a lot for taking this big step and help the world been healthier.. People like you , Danny Dager and Dr Ludwig Johnson are what we need !!
I waiting my first of many orders !!
shannon weller —
Woot woot! It is so hard making everything from scratch for our kids born in the autoimmune generation! They have depleted microbiomes, plummeted levels of nitric oxide and food options that are early future death sentences.
I was so excited to see your cereal in the market today! A quick option for breakfast for my son that gives me a break and doesn’t have him sending me back to the kitchen, because he loves the taste and texture! It’s a total win win for us!
Thank you for listening to your inner voice and put your many skills into this new path. We need more ambitious corporate people like your who actually want to leave our kids a better earth with them feeling optimal. I can’t wait to see how your brand expands!
Shannon and Emery from Las Vegas!
Leah Lyons —
Hi, your cereal is the only cereal I trust right now. I’ve been gut sick for 10 months. I just turned 70!
I thought I was eating healthy but realized through investigating many of the foods sold to us are far from healthy!
TY for your commitment to marketing something edible that is the most whole food that I’ve found on the market!
God bless you.
Cheryl Heavrin —
What you are doing is wonderful and I wish you all the success in the world. I am writing because I am sensitive to coconut. I realize how unrealistic this request may be from an investment viewpoint but would it be possible to create some of you products without coconut or coconut derivatives? There may be more people than you think who might be interested in such a product. I don’t expect this to be published. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Kathleen Scott —
I am so glad I met u and your amazing cereal I have a lot of health issues from being a diabetic type 2 to lung failure 50% from a virus 🦠 never smoked in my life to kidney failure too oh and my heart has an issue too so with that said I want to thank u for caring about people like me , and children your a very special person hugs Kathleen Scott ..Pacifica Calif
Shelby walton —
Can’t thank you enough!
Love your product!
Love your story!
Keep on keeping on
Mary —
Very tasty healthy! Completely compliant on my AIP diet. I frequently have it for my first meal combined with 6 unsweetened pineapple junks, coconut milk & MCT oil. Yum yum!
Emily —
I just received my first boxes and they taste so good! I’m currently in the middle of horrible health issues. Thanks for making it a little easier! When I found out you are in MN I wondered if you do field trips? I am a homeschooling mom who is part of a co-op with some families with allergies. Thanks so much! Emily
Amy —
I love this cereal…Cinnamon is my favorite! I can’t believe I can eat cereal again just like I did as a child — with pure joy — (never thought about what was in my food back then, but now I do…) and to get cereal that tastes that good AND is truly healthy is the best! Thank you!
Carmen Tangherlini —
Your commitment to follow your unique path helps contribute good health to those of us who choose to help ourselves get healthy and stay healthy. Cannot thank you enough for your drive to produce healthy food alternatives.